Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Public Art

Yesterday in class, we talked about the definition, use, and examples of public art. I found this topic a very interesting one to talk about. To me, public art can not only make a a public area look nicer, but it can also define its culture as well as provide a visual representation of an area. For example, whenever someone thinks about the city of Paris, the first thing that usually pops into their mind is the Eiffel Tower. This one landmark, an artwork, is a representation of an entire city. Public pieces of art like this have this great ability to stick in people's mind and provide a visual representation for an area. People come from all over the world to look at this piece of art, and it is also on almost every postcard for Paris. The Eiffel Tower is essentially a symbol of Paris, and its ability to be a symbol shows the power that public art possesses.

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